Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Choose a representative passage from this novel that holds particular significance to you. Type it in and comment on its significance.

I moved closer to him and laid my hands on his shoulder. His arms had fallen to his sides, and he seemed strangely oblivious to me and to the staring, wondering men seated around him. His one eye gazed past me, shining with a startling new radiance. There was no mistaking it. It was spiritual joy.
"Has he come in?" I whispered.
"Ota, es! He has come in!" He responded and then added, "Yesus av! It is Jesus!"

This passage held particular significance in me because the passage gave me a chance to reflect on my faith towards Jesus and God. Just as I have once accepted Jesus through my heart, I knew how Hato felt like. Hato's acceptance of Jesus Christ through his heart, changed his entire life. I realized how God would now deal with Hato and his faith, just how He dealt with my faith.

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

Only someone who truly knows God and has experienced His awesome power can really appreciate this passage. A very good choice as it reflects the essence of who God is and how much He loves us. Mrs.Mc.